
Locked Out

Tuesday June 16, 2015

I’m going to take a bit of a break today. I just locked us out of the apartment building.

Nothing seals a morning trying to be Fun Mom (Children’s Creativity Museum! Carousel! New Steph Curry Warriors tee shirt!) quite like getting home past nap time and realizing you forgot the key to the building.

Since this is San Francisco, more than half of our building works from home. Oh! I’ll buzz everyone, I thought, this will be fine! Don’t worry, kiddo, Mommy’s got this! And then the slow creeping panic as I realized no one was home.

After a flurry of texts, we walked down the street, got some burritos and waited for Dave to come rescue us. I know Bean saw this as a continuation of the adventure — eating lunch at a restaurant! high fives from all the waiters! getting to eat lunch with Daddy! But I am still rattled.

So much of being a parent is having to be on your game, at all times; it is startling how quickly the plates can crash, and that even when they do, you need to whip right back around and recover ASAP, because there is a little person staring up at you, needing you to get back on your game.

Ugh. I’m going to go lay down. Or do some online shopping. Feel free to send me your Parenting Fails too so we can all commiserate.



2 Responses to “Locked Out”

  1. I know this fright! I have a two year old and I’m always afraid of locking us out. However a fright of another sort happened to me last Thursday. I was home alone with my son when my lower back went out while I was loading laundry. I fell to the floor and could not move. I tried everything I could to get up or crawl, but the pain was too much to bare. I laid there helpless for what felt like a long time wondering what to do. My phone was in the dining room so finally I had to ask my little toddler to go get it off the table for me. He was my hero and got it! I ended up calling 911 because no one was answering their phone. It was extremely stressful and anxiety inducing not having anyone there to take care of your toddler while incapacitated and alone! Everything worked out though, my husband made it back right as the ambulance showed up. If he hadn’t been there the police officers would have taken care of our son while I was in the ambulance. But it’s good to know that the police are always there as a back up in case no one else can take your child at that moment. It was scary though! Best thing we can do is remain CALM. That’s what I kept telling myself and I was able to sort it out and get help.


    6/16/2015 at 3:26 pm

  2. OH MY GOSH! That sounds awful! I hope you’re feeling better now?? I’m so impressed that you were able to give your toddler instructions, AND that he followed them! Way to go, little man. My heart goes out to you — I felt panicked just reading your story!


    6/16/2015 at 5:25 pm