
Children’s Holiday Books We’re Enjoying

Wednesday December 10, 2014

Is there anything better than a great children’s book? One with a great story and also beautiful drawings? The holidays are already so beautiful and glittering, full of hope and love and joy, I couldn’t wait to jump into the SF Public Library‘s holiday section.

Last week, we finally did it.

Here are the books that rose to the top of the heap, that we’ve been reading multiple times per sitting.


1. A Christmas Quiet Book by Deborah Underwood

My favorite of the bunch. The book captures all the traditions of the season — mittens and hot cocoa, forgotten lines at the school play and blown fuses — with meditative humor. It’s just so painfully sweet.

The illustrations of bunnies and bears and possums are downright precious, but interesting enough to hold Bean’s attention.

This book might be for older children. I have no idea how much of it Bean understands. But, she is riveted by the images and traditions nonetheless.


2. A Very Fuddles Christmas by Frans Vischer

For how earnest and sweet A Christmas Quiet Book is, A Very Fuddles Christmas is silly fun. A spoiled cat gets accidentally (maybe?) locked out of the house on Christmas, how will he get back in?!

Each page has tons to look at, with vibrant illustrations of great feasts and snowy fields.


3. Duck & Goose: It’s Time For Christmas! by Tad Hills

I like all of the Duck and Goose books; they’re simple and cute and happy. This time, Goose keeps mucking around making snow forts and snowgooses, when it’s time for Christmas!


4. Fletcher And The Snowflake Christmas by Julia Rawlinson

Bean is entirely mesmerized by this book. Fletcher the fox gathers friends in the forest to create a path for Santa to follow to the rabbits’ new burrow. The colors are extremely vibrant, and Bean is having a color moment. The twilight sky is deep purples and hot pinks; the rabbits burrow glows a golden orange.




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