Today’s March Photo Challenge theme is “Animals.” Which is basically an open invitation for us all to post photos of our cats, right?
Sadly, my cat bolts at the sound of my camera turning on, so I had to look elsewhere. I was kind of scared of the mangled pigeons at the 24th Street BART station. That left me with either the fish stalls along Mission or animal-inspired street art.
Here are the Bartlett Street Sea Lions, painted by ROA (Do we all remember the difference between seals and sea lions? Me neither. I think these are sea lions, right? With the little ear flaps and upright posture?) ROA specializes in life-like animal paintings. These are almost jarring to see, poking their heads out from behind the Mission Market and towering quietly over the general chaos of graffiti, street art, and Barlett Street below.
Mission Local reported a few weeks ago that they’ll be coming down soon, replaced by maybe another ROA painting.