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Have a Great Weekend! (Cough, Sputter)

Friday September 11, 2015

Isn’t it always the case that when you have the most planned, is when you end up the most sick? This weekend is chockablock with activities (grandparents in town, bachelorette party, big girl room shopping extravaganza) and I’m hoping this new gleaming bottle of DayQuil will get me through it. What cold-stifling remedies do you swear by?


Truncated Friday link roundup today:


Did you know there was a huge geomagnetic storm this past week? Prepare to get sucked down into a wormhole of aurora photos and videos. First up: SpaceWeatherGallery has photos of it from all over the world. And, Astronaut Scott Kelly caught video of the auroras from the comfort of the space station. Amazing.

A lot of San Francisco corruption scandals came to a head this week.

Supervisor Scott Weiner has proposed legislation for a new city subway master plan.

I just bought this skirt, and it might be the perfect toddler-wrangling/dinner-and-drinks skirt.


Have a good (healthy) weekend, everyone!

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